8-axis robotic cell with automatic loading of up to 4 tools for car window trim polishing. Piece holding table with capacity for 2 parts allowing loading and unloading during the working cycle.
If you are a vehicle manufacturer and you need to remove impurities and polish its metal parts, we have polishing machines for metal components for cars and trucks. With these machines you will be able to polish from large parts to the smaller ones. And if you need some customisation, we can help you configuring your new vehicle polisher according to your needs.
8-axis robotic cell with automatic loading of up to 4 tools for car window trim polishing. Piece holding table with capacity for 2 parts allowing loading and unloading during the working cycle.
Installation composed of 2 “heavy duty” CNC machines with 5 interpolated axes for polishing truck grill frames. The polishing cycle can be synchronized or alternative, depending on the programming.
High production CNC rotary transfer machine equipped with 4 working heads for the polishing of car dashboard parts.
High production capacity machine for polishing aluminum roof bars for automobiles. Capacity for up to 10 parts per table with synchronized movement for positioning the parts.
5 interpolated axes CNC machine with 2 double heads for polishing compressed air tanks for trucks.
Please, indicate in the form which is your polishing process automation need and we will answer your request as soon as possible.
P.I. Sant Isidre, c/Puigmal, 136
08272 – Sant Fruitós de Bages
Barcelona – SPAIN